Ray, I think the rigorous and thoughtful limitations you are putting in front of yourself are a really smart way to work. Freedom can be such a negative. — it does not necesarily bring the best out of us. I think of that every time someone says “I shoot color but I can flip it black and white in post.” I rarely see success in that approach. So, your plan rings very true to me, and I find it fascinating that the way you are influenced by Kodachrome (and Leiter) can result in your work the way it does. Those exact two influences and someone else behind the camera would arrive at something quite different.
As far as sticking to one lens, you are in very good company there. There are filmmakers like Ozu that shot entire films with just one lens (for him, a 50mm). This is not just a still photography mentality, is my message (as a person that shoots both still and motion). I personally live with one lens on my Leica (a 35mm) and on the motion side, a 28mm.
Great piece.